#24: MLDublin meets @ Zalando

- 1 min

Thanks to Zalando and Deirdre for their help with this event. We had a great series of talks focused on recommender systems and personalisation.

Joeran Beel Assistant Professor in Intelligent Systems at Trinity College Dublin, ADAPT Centre
The Potential of Recommender-Systems at Macro- and Micro Level

We introduce the concept of a “macro recommender system”, and “micro recommender system” respectively. Both systems can be considered as recommender systems for recommendation algorithms. A macro recommender system recommends the potentially best performing recommendation algorithm to an organization that wants to build a recommender system. This way, an organization does not need to test dozens or even more algorithms to find the best one for their particular platform. A micro recommender system recommends the potentially best-performing algorithm for each individual recommendation request. This concept is based on the premise that there is no single-best algorithm for all type of users, items, and contexts.

Sergio Gonzalez Sanz Senior Research Engineer / Data Scientist @ Customer Data Platform, Zalando
Personalisation of the Zalando Web Experience using customer data in real time with Cassandra and Flink

Offer Sharabi Software Engineer, Customer Data Platform, Zalando
Productionizing of the Zalando Web Experience using customer data in real time with Cassandra and Flink
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